Monday, January 10, 2011

Ways to Conserve Water

Venn Diagram
Why walk all the way to the bathroom to litter, than just dumping it in a within reach, convenient, appropriate bin? Toilets are where you do your business.

You waste 5 litres of water per minute, every time you leave the tap running. Which makes it 2500ml every 30 seconds, and 83ml every second. Think.

Leaks... are leaks. Fix it earlier to prevent larger leaks.

We can start campaigns in other countries to help donate water, food, or money to the unlucky. 
The money collected can be used to buy water supply, food resources or shelter.

We can also educate young children on saving water as it is “blue gold”.
Increase the price of water to a reasonable amount. 
Installing a water meter can set a limit in using the water so they do not overuse it.

A good way to reduce the amount of water used is to educate the public.
 For example – about the amount of fresh water left on Earth, the causes of global warming, or the effects on health of the people when we run of out fresh water. As they know the current condition of the fresh water left on Earth, they will start to reduce since they notice how life would be without it.
Let the public know about how fortunate they are.
Ask for donations to Africa as they are less fortunate to be born in a country like that.


  1. you should join MUN because i think you will be good at it!

  2. Jia yi in reality : THANKS MAXWELL

  3. Cool page Jia Yi :)
    It's good to see you supporting your conservation ideas with evidence and examples of where these strategies can work and why they are needed.
    What resources did you use? What did you learn in this activity? Now go back to KN and add your evaluation and reflection.

  4. Very interesting idea and a really nice and organized blog....

  5. haha!! i like your blog title...and the background suits it......good level in detail!! great job =D

  6. As President Hoover once said, "True conservation of water is not the prevention of its use." The best way to accomplish this is through water efficiency, which will ultimately help our nation avoid water shortages. Great tips!!! We need to all do our part to conserve energy. Engaging yourselves in an environmental awareness activity is really an act that should be shared with others. It is a good deed indeed for many of us inhabitants of the planet earth. I hope lots of people will mirror this act and also share it to youngsters.
