Monday, March 21, 2011

12 Angry Men

The 12 Angry men is about a jury discussing whether to give someone a death penalty because he is accused of murder. In the beginning, most of them vote that he is guilty and only one of the juror voted not guilty. The other jurors reasoned his opinion and their own. They were persuading him to change his decision to guilty. Towards the end of the movie, it was found that the murderer was not actually guilty of the murder. The one juror convinced everyone to change their decision.

My favourite part of the movie was the part where the one juror who voted not guilty finally convinced everyone to vote for guilty. He used his opinion and evidence, also targeted other juror's weakness
to prove them wrong. It is unbelievable how other jurors decide on someone's life so quickly at the beginning as though they never thought of the situation. They used a woman's eye witness and took it as a true statement.

The Stars of the Twelve Angry Men are :
1 - Martin Balsam
2 - John Fielder
3 - Lee J.Cobb
4 - E.G. Marshall
5 - Jack Klugman
6 -Edward Binns
7 - Jack Warden
8 - Henry Fonda
9 - Joseph Sweeny
10 - Ed Begly
11 - George Voscovek
12 - Robert Webber


  1. A good synopsis of the plot and the key character Jia Yi. What questions does this raise about the use of a jury service and the concept of eye witness accounts? Who were your 2 favourite characters? Why?
    Miss Suzy :D

  2. The review was quite good, You talked about the plot and almost was able to concisely put it into 3 sentences. What I wanted would probably be which character you liked the most and why, also you did not talk about any themes about the movie. Thank you :)

  3. Quite good review as you talk and summarize the plot of the movie. You also listed all the stars of the movie :O nice :)

  4. Good job as u summarised the whole plot. However, you might want to work on evaluation of the story
