Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Can We Use Multimedia?

What is multimedia? Why should we use it?
Multimedia is a way to present information to the audience through anything visual or audio or both.
Instead of a complete block of essay which can bore the reader, multimedia supports the essay that you write. Multimedia are such as imovie, drama, presentation, podcast and more.

How can you use multimedia in your individual project?
Producing an imovie with recorded interviews, points of information included.
Use a Question/Answer format in the video. Add some slides to provide statistics. Include audio recordings in the background.

Examples: How you could use multimedia in Tristen's project?
Interview the elderly on their daily basis. How are they supported? What is their opinion on younger people? etc.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Leatherback Turtles

Endangered species are species which only has a few hundred or less left existing on Earth. Threatened species are species whose habitats are destroyed by humans, polluted or being hunted down.

Leatherback Turtle

Leatherback Turtles are the top 6 most endangered species. They are the largest marine turtle and are also migratory. They only go on land to lay eggs and live only in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The species in the Atlantic Ocean are very stable but the species in the Pacific Ocean are very endangered. Jellyfish, crabs and small fish are general diet of the Leatherback Turtles.

Leatherback Turtles are threatened by the loss of nesting and feeding habitats. Egg-collection, fishery-related mortality like nets and long lines of fishing, pollution and coastal development. Increasing mortality means fewer turtles which means that there are not enough to reproduce. This shortens the life cycle of the turtle. And less turtles existing over the past and future generations.

World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and Greenpeace are just some of the organizations that are helping to save the species. WWF Malaysia has a program that is helping to hatch the turtle eggs and safely release them back to sea. This is slowly increasing he population of Leatherback Turtles.

We should help the turtles! This is what we can do to help.
1. Do not buy souvenirs made from turtles.
2. Do not buy and create a demand for turtle eggs. Allow the eggs to be incubated naturally where laid.
3. Ensure rubbish is properly disposed of. Plastic bags floating in the ocean are often mistaken for food, and when eaten, may cause a turtle’s death.
4. Do not light up fires or make noise on a nesting beach. These activities may disturb a nesting turtle.
5. Avoid using illegal, non-turtle friendly fishing devices. A turtle caught in fishing gear may drown and die.
6. Support turtle conservation efforts and pass on the conservation message.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Is It Ever Right To Take A Human Life?

A valuable life taken is a life ended that God has given. There are reasons behind why these happen whether it is religious or political views. People believe in this world, everyone is given and trusted with second chances. But sometimes, mistakes happen and they just can't be forgiven as certain necessity that includes fulfilling the law rights has to be proceeded regardless of what else. When a life is taken away no matter by murder, death penalty or accidental, there are no 2 lives of the exact same person.

Murder comes to a conclusion whether it is planned or intentional.  Murders occur in a large variety of reasons. One of a few of them is because of vengeance. Revenge is strongly affected by your emotions towards people around you. Your emotions can lead you out of control, and when a human becomes uncontrollably jealous, anger and hatred builds up which will eventually meet its limit. And your limit leads to committing a murder. Unless, your choice is to calm down. In metaphoric terms, fizzes of a bottle of coke won't stop building up until the bottle bursts or stops shaking.  A life taken through jealousy is strictly unforgiven because letting your emotions ruling over your physical action is wrong. Taking a life of an innocent person over a small matter is not justice to you nor anyone else. Ever heard of the quote, "Don't let your emotions control you?"

It is in your ability in the future to build your own family, buy your own homes, and supply yourself with food regardless whether you're rich or poor. Having a wealthy family background has no guarantee that they can support you always. You can't always depend on someone else; it takes patience to be independent. We are all humans and human beings find it hard to obtain the importance of being independent. Lose of patience leads to dropping out of work. No work means no money which leads to desperation of money. Like lazy or uneducated human beings, the easiest way to escape from money shortages is to steal. The process of stealing includes murdering, injuring. Killing an innocent, hardworking, wealthy human being is definitely unacceptable.

When it comes to unintentional killing where self-defense comes around, everything is different. If you were attempted to be murdered at this very moment, helpless from every possible ways of escaping, what would be your decision to break free from troubles? In crisis, it is an obvious immediate response to fight back with all your will to stay alive regardless who is attempting to murder you. No matter the outcome, it is said nowadays that unintentional killing is a valid point to save yourself. Murderers took gave their lives away in return for their attempt.

Many people think of murders as general human beings of above 18 age. Ever thought of juvenile murder? Sentencing a child to death due to juvenile murder is not a practice regardless the reason why they murder in the first place. But different countries have different views on juvenile delinquent mostly caused by religious views.
Here's an example of a juvenile murder.
John Henry Vasquez was 16 when he killed another teenager at a party over a momentary insult. "I made a mistake. There are no excuses," said a tearful Vasquez, who was given a 15 years to life sentence for the second-degree murder of Robert Maisonet, 19.
The child - John Henry Vasquez has yet killed a teenager again. Being honest, he turned himself in and as a punishment, he was given a 15 years life sentence.
John Henry Vasquez is an educated student which makes no excuse for the murder. Yet as a child, he was sentenced to death.

Mandatory death penalty is a practice in some countries like Malaysia and Singapore.  Although, mandatory death penalty is literally not necessary at all neither do death penalty. Taking away a life at any circumstances is not right. Everyone deserves chances despite the number; as long as they are committed to change for the better. Reasons varies such as deterrence, cost and religion.

Deterrence is a huge point in death penalty because it is the main reason why death penalty exist in the first place.
"No study shows the death penalty to be a deterrent." Quoted from the American Society of Criminology, "Similarly, 87% of the expert criminologists believe that abolition of the death penalty would not have any significant effect on murder rates."
As quoted, there are no proof that death penalty causes deterrent. So why kill? The death penalty is not a deterrent because most people who commit murders either do not expect to be caught or do not carefully weigh the differences between a possible execution and life in prison before they act. Frequently, murders are committed in moments of passion or anger, or by criminals who are substance abusers and acted impulsively.

Cost is a big issue in our economically developed world. Because of money, decisions changes. Because of money, there is war and chaos. But as statistically proven, life in prison is less expensive than the death penalty mostly because of the legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people.
"The average cost of death penalty is 2.3 million. And the average cost of prisoners in prison for life is 1.5 million."
In this world, majority of us are greedy or at least selfish. Only a few government will be generous enough to contribute a massively large amount of money on a single criminal. The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed?

More than half of the world's population is religious. There are many religions in this world such as Islam, Christian, Jewish, Buddhism and more. Taking of a human being's life is against certain religions.
"May the death penalty, an unworthy punishment still used in some countries, be abolished throughout the world." (Prayer at the Papal Mass at Regina Coeli Prison in Rome, July 9, 2000).
Going against religion is not a small matter as strict or not strict believers will be against it automatically.

To sum this all up, it is not right to take away someone's life at all. Taking away a human life is strictly uncooperative, also against many religions and the general public's views. Many statistics have proven taking a human life is wrong and not forgiven.