Thursday, November 10, 2011

Self Evaluation

The Group Work

What have I contributed to the group project?

- I have been the secretary of the group.

- I am responsible for the agenda and I take notes during discussions.

We all contributed to the group during discussions/debates. A task that I have been assigned to is to create a video.

What would I do differently next time? Why?

Sometimes, I get off topic during discussions. And I often procrastinate on my work which would cause outcome quality problems among my groupmates. When taking notes, I don't always remember everything we say, hence misses out some important points. This is why Mia helps me out; she is our second note taker.

What have I learnt about working together?

I have learned about each other's weaknesses and strengths. Such as Jacelyn, she is a focused person who tends to help us get back into topic when we drift off. Wen Wen and I often goes out of topic. And Mia helps us simplify our work so that it is moving towards our group question.

What has been good/challenging about working as part of a group?

I think that the most challenging part is to get together for a group meeting. We often forget and have to search around school to find each other.

What have I learnt doing the project?

What have I learnt about;

a. deciding on and planning a project?

Our group members shares our interests among each other and finally decided on a project which fits all requirements. We often have long debates about this. We will list a bunch of information we require, research them and include them in a word document. We have a 'sharing session' where everyone brainstorm. These are ways I have learned to efficiently plan a project with my members.

b. planning and producing research?

When researching, we split tasks to every member of the group. A few of us are editors. Which means, we edit work of other members to simplify them and lead them to our focused question. I have learned to use a word document to put our researched information together.

c. reading and presenting my ideas?

We used a share document to share our written work. Also, verbally among every member during occasional discussions.

d. time management?

I have learned that a Gannt Chart is very useful for planning. We split our tasks quite equally and efficiently using the Gantt Chart. And currently, there has been no problems about lack of time. We have always achieved our intended goal.

What would you do differently to develop these skills?

I do not think that I have to further develop these skills. We already found our mistakes and will try our best to achieve it as time goes.

How did I approach my individual contribution?

As long as we have an idea, we all had chances to share them. We listened to each other and rarely talk over each other. Since Mia and I are note takers, we can't multitask and contribute at the same time. So, instead, we often remind Jacelyn and Wen Wen to pause during discussions.

What are the most valuable points I have learnt? Why?

I have learned to take notes efficiently. And also learned that Wen Wen and I are huge procrastinators. Being a person who procrastinates brings the group down vastly.

Peak Oil Evaluation

The Project

1. What area of study did you choose? Why?

"What would happen if oil ran out today?" The future scenario. Because it was appealing to all of us especially Jacelyn because she watched the documentary. Then she intrigued the rest of us by introducing the same documentary to all of us. We also decided to do it because we wanted to do something that did not involve money and a lot of time.

2. What did your groups hope to achieve? What was your proposed outcome?

We hope to discourage people from living excessively, encourage them to live sustainably with our main focus being plastic bags. We attempted to achieve this by creating a video and presentation to be shown to secondary learners during assembly.

3. How could you critically evaluate the success of your outcome?

We would have a discussion and send out a survey and use the feedback to consolidate our evaluation.

4. What were your specific group roles and responsibilities? How did you organise this? Was the allocation effective?

Jacelyn - Shaper. Wrote video script.

Jia Yi - Secretary, technical person. Create video.

Wen Wen - helped out whenever she could. Found videos, pictures, and editted script.

Mia - Taking down notes, summariese notes. Wrote and edited script.

5. Did your project have enough scope for every group member to play an active, full time part in the group work? How could you improve this?

We had enough scope for everyone to play an active rold in the group work. We all contributed ideas equally. It was pretty ideal so there weren't much room for improvements.

6. Was the workload manageable in the time frame given?

Improvements: Set a timer to help us keep track of our time as we take a very long to make decisions as our decisions ooften lead to debates. Some work was finished ahead of time, some behind time.

7. How effective were your minutes and agendas? How did they help you? How could you improve them?

Not very helpful, except to know what we did in the previous lesson. Our notes we found were more useful.

Improvements: make our agendas like our notes.

The Perspectives

1. How did you gather information and opinions/viewpoints from a personal, national/local and global perspective?

We researched on the internet. We used personal experiences to know what our target audience (our age group) wanted in the video.

2. How did/could you ensure you consider all these perspectives in your project?

Fish bone diagram. Improvement: Checklist.

3. Would your outcome need to be accompanied by some additional explanation or elaboration?

A little bit. We need to explain how our final product works with our outcome.

4. How could you make sure you include cross-cultural views?

Compare our target audience (secondary learners) in different schools (National, Chinese, Tamil, International).


Jia Yi


Wen Wen

Friday, November 04, 2011

Peak Oil Reflection 3: Moving on...

Today, our group had a debate on whether we should continue with our mock project or move on towards our real project. Since we really require a long time for our real project, we decided to begin on it. We had a long debate about whether we should do the peak oil presentation or not and finally decided not to because we thought it wouldn't benefit us in our real project.

We have completed our ganttchart, also made some changes to it.